人造美人鱼The Costume更新至3部-第2章
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,变成了一个很大的孔。“好 了,现在计划有点小变动,我会告诉你实际情况是怎样。”女孩说这句话时眼里 闪烁着奇怪的光芒。妮可皱了皱眉,之前的事情都是按计划进行的,哪里能有什 么变动?“这种液体不是单纯的|乳胶,里面含有的添加成分可以让你成为真正的 美人鱼。”妮可睁大了眼睛,她想争辩,但是塞口球填满了她口腔的所有缝隙, 她甚至连咕哝声都发不出来。她徒劳地挣扎着,但是这对她的装束完全无效。很 快她觉得很想睡觉,全身的肌肉也不听使唤了。“这种|乳胶里放入了万亿个分子 大小的机械,这种机械叫做”纳米机械“… 个纳米机械都有独立的生物计算器和 事先设定的程序。程序一旦被触发,你的身体就会开始发生变化,纳米机械可以 缓慢的破坏你的细胞并且取代它们的位置,这是一个不可逆的过程。”“当替换 进程结束后,你的身体会有以下的变化: 你骨骼中的钙元素会逐渐减少,直至你的骨骼彻底消失。包着骨骼的皮肤和 血肉会重新定型,一直到你的背部完全变得像鱼一样平滑为止。你的腿中的变化 也类似,不过腿骨不会完全消失,只是会变得更加柔韧,外形跟脊椎一样,就如 某些鱼类的尾巴。你的踝骨和脚骨会彻底溶解,这样你的尾巴就可以保持平直顺 滑。你以后再也不能直立在地面上了。你腰部的皮带也一样填充了纳米机械,这 些纳米机械的程序是不断收紧皮带,直到直径缩小到13英寸。然后… 年都会缩 窄一英寸,到5英寸时才会停下来。你下面里的橡胶荫茎会变成一个随时可能震 动的兴奋道具,但是你的阴Di却会转变得让你无论多么兴奋都无法高潮。你肛门 的开口会扩大,内部却会缩窄并且变得敏感,因此任何程度穿刺都会很痛哦。 你的Ru房会变大,而且变得更加敏感,你的|乳头会有神经连接到你的阴沪, 这样它们受到的任何刺激都会使你更加兴奋。你的所有人类皮肤都会被|乳胶代替。 不过你的所有触觉神经会连到|乳胶皮肤上,这样你的触觉仍然跟以前一样。连着 你的塞口球的皮带会逐渐跟你的皮肤融合,直至看不出来。橡皮塞口球会更加膨 胀,而你的牙齿和舌头会消失。球的前端也会跟你的嘴唇后侧融合,最后它会成 为你身体的一部分。你不能发出清晰的声音,只能发出嘟哝和呻吟声。你的呼吸 系统会变得跟某些两栖动物一样可以在空气和水中呼吸这样你就可以在水中生活。 你的耳朵会消失,因此你会变成彻底的聋子。你的头发也会跟泳帽融合,而泳帽 也会跟你的头部完全融合到一起。你的内脏器官的功能也会变动,你不再需要固 体食物。你生存所需的能量来自阳光,就像大多数的植物一样。只要通过光合作 用,你的身体就能取得足够的能量。因为你是生活在水中,你的鼻子和肛门洞就 是仅剩的进水和排水器官。当你身处水中时,它们就会扩张,离开水面就会缩小。 如果你离开水,短时间内你会开始觉得乾渴,如果你长期离开水,你就会因为脱 水而痛苦的死去。纳米机械唯一没改变的就是你的大脑,你的思考能力会保持原 样,因此你会对你周围发生的事情非常明晰和了解,不过你没办法改变任何事。 只要你吸收一定的阳光和水分,你的细胞就会开始被纳米机械代替,你永远都不 会生病而且因为纳米机械永远都不会死亡,你也不会衰老。|乳胶皮肤内层有钛和 铅材质的衬里。同样的衬里也会进入你的脸部和后庭。这样你就不会被任何武器 伤害,你甚至可以在核爆中生存下来。不过别怕,我们会给你一个机会,纳米机 械现在还处在停顿状态,除非你在水中停留6个小时,否则它们不会启动。
一旦超过了时间,变化进程就不可中止了。如果你可以在六小时内离开水中, 液态|乳胶在沾湿后会开始溶化你就可以从这套装束中解脱,并且你的身体也不会 受到任何损伤。纳米机械启动后会发信号给我们,因此如果我们明天没有收到信 号,我们就知道你自由了而且你再也不无法联系或者找到我们。你可以继续过平 常人的生活。 但是,一旦纳米机械启动,任何事物都无法阻止它们,即使你这时离开了水 池,也没用了。假如我们收到信号,我们明天会回来找你。我们会遵守交易条约。 就像我们之前告诉你的,我们不卖这种套装,我们只是出租,租期到了就收回并 租给另一个客户。因为你也成了套装的一部分,因此我们把你一并收回。我们出 租的人鱼奴隶数量短缺,因此你未来两年内的行程都排满了。现在是时候离开了, 你的派对也快到开始时间了。你的客人也急着使用商品。我们已经联系了他们中 的多数人他们今晚将有机会免费试用你。我相信过了今晚,我们会收到足够你忙 十多年的订单。我们对客户唯一的要求就是有个可以让你生活的水池。不过他们 不必让你整天呆在水里,他们可以在任何时候把你弄出来,也可以随意让你口渴 而受到折磨。但是他们不能让你死,他们必须事先付给我们高额的担保金。你会 成为完美的奴隶,彻底的无助而且不需要喂养。而且你会永远生存下去,能让你 死的办法就只有让你长期离开水或者阳光,但是你自己做不到这两点。记住我们 公司的名称“永恆的欢愉”。你也将成为所有人永恆欢愉的来源。好了,明天见, 除非你非常非常的幸运。“说着,那女孩把妮可推进了水池里,她的橡皮项圈使她不会沉没并且保持垂 直状态全身泡在水中。妮可开始绝望地摇动她的身体。“尽量别太兴奋哦,否则 纳米机械会提前启动。”女孩转过身并且优雅的走出房子时对妮可喊道。妮可被 单独留了下来,任何移动身体的尝试都是白费力气,她没有任何办法可以让身体 朝任何方向移动。因为她脖子上的橡皮项圈把她固定在那个位置,并且她还必须 轻轻的动,免得纳米机械提前启动。她知道她没有办法在时限内离开水面,派对 时间差不多到了,快到6点钟了。并且按预定,这派对会持续到午夜。差不多当 最后一个客人离开时,她会开始变成一个无助的奴隶。一样事情都设计好了,她 没有办法停止这一切或者通知别人她的处境。这原本是她向往的,在… 个夜晚都 充满魅力而又无助(虽然她已经后悔了)。完美的自我束缚,唯一她没料到的是 她将在以后的日子里永远保持这个状态,并且是永久地……*********************************** 第一部 英文原版 the costume by pablo marmol with turknicole was a fetishist。 she loved to wear latex; corsets and high heels。 and she also loved bondage。 she spent all the time wearing tightly laced armbinders; mouthfilling gags; heavy head masks and loved to be restrained and tortured。 she was an extreme masochist。 as she was very rich she didn’t have to deal with work schedules; manding bosses; plaining clients nor deadlines。 and as she was single she had no problems of demanding husbands; time absorbing children and bothering in…laws。 she used to give the best fetish parties in the city。 her big mansion was the meeting point for the fetish and sm munity and she was always the center of attention。 her outstanding figure; tiny waist; big and rounded breasts and cute face attracted the attention of every person。 and she was always ready to serve。 she didn’t have any problem in being tied; raped; tortured and punished by anyone。 just the necessary safety measures like condoms; stopping words or signals if she was unable to speak to assure that she could keep enjoying it。 but for that night she would surprise everybody。 she would be unique; no one would fail to look at her; to touch her; to use her。 she would eclipse every other woman; all the men in the party would be for her。 and she would be for all of them。 that night she would be a mermaid; a totally defenseless armless and speechless mermaid。 she had received the ad by e…mail。 “eternal pleasure: exclusive fetish costumes。 make your request and we’ll fulfill it。 no matter the cost; no matter the difficulty; no matter the weirdness; we can do the impossible。 we are specialists in providing eternal sources of pleasure。” she didn’t know why that ad attracted her attention。 it was just one more。 but the colors of the logo; the blinking typography; and the word ‘exclusive’ were enough for a try。
she had been thinking about being a mermaid for a long time。 she had dreamed of having a fish tail; no arms and swimming freely in a water world。 but she hadn’t got exactly what she wanted until then。 she had tried different outfits and fabrics; but nothing satisfied her。 there was no way to disguise a pair of legs inside a tail; there was no way to hide a pair of arms under a corset。 so she made her request; and promised to pay double if the work satisfied her needs。 soon she received a catalog with photos of models wearing differently colored armless mermaid costumes; all of them wore also a bathing cap that covered entirely their hair and a ball gag with a matching color and she was astonished。 the women really looked like mermaids; the tails were very real and the legs were unnoticeable behind the fabric。 and the end of the tail didn’t reveal at all the presence of feet。 and the upper torsos were totally smooth in the shoulders。 the same models were photographed in several positions and there was no way to see where their arms were hidden。 from every side the shape was straight and thin; nothing protruded anywhere that could give a clue of how their arms were disguised。 she had to wear one of those costumes。 she would really be a goddess。 she made an advance payment and set up the appointment for the saturday afternoon before the party。 she had al