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小说: Gunheads(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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anxiety。 No one liked moving through the narrow lanes。 The shaky metal buildings on either side
looked ready to topple at any second。 Their construction was almost laughable。 Beams and girders
stuck out at every angle。 Most of the corrugated metal walls looked set to tear away on the next
wind。 It was a wonder any of them stood at all。
Again and again; the Cadians found themselves boxed in。 Huge armoured orks; some of them
almost three metres tall; poured out from shadowed corners in a frenzy; screaming oaths in their foul
xenos tongue; bloodstained blades and hammers held high above their heads。 The tallest were so
dark…skinned they were almost black; and they fought with ferocity of a different magnitude
altogether。 It took twice as much fire to put them down as it did to slay the other members of the
squads they led。
If not for the tanks and their crews providing hard cover and fire support to the footsloggers; any
progress at all through the settlement would have been impossible。 There were too many damned
bottlenecks。 The Cadian armour made all the difference; but it wasn’t long before van Droi started
hearing voxed reports of tanks being lost。
The fourth such loss was Steelhearted II。
Captain Immrich had assigned Viess and his crate as armour support to a company of Colonel
Pruscht’s 116th Lasgunners。 They were purging an avenue half a kilometre north of van Droi’s
position when rockets had shredded the tank’s left tread; rooting her to the spot。 The infantry had
immediately moved forward to return fire; only to be cut down by ork heavy weapon teams perched
on the nearby roofs。 Then the ork foot soldiers had poured in; dragging Viess and his crew out of
their hatches and hacking them to pieces on the street。
A few of the lasgunners had managed to break away from the fighting and report what had
happened。 The commissars would probably execute them later on charges of cowardice。
The Gunheads were down to three tanks。 Van Droi could hardly believe it。 Soul…sapping misery
hovered over him; threatening to descend and engulf him at any second; but he fought hard to keep
it at bay。 Other men were depending on him; now; a platoon of Colonel Stromm’s Kasrkin troopers。
They followed just behind his crate; hellgun stocks raised to their armoured shoulders。
He couldn’t afford to lose focus。
Van Droi looked out from his cupola; fists tight around the grips of his pintle…mounted heavy
bolter。 His Vanquisher had already been stung twice — once on the glacis and once on the mantlet
— by rockets fired from blind corners。 She had soaked up both hits; but how much more could she
take? Her hide was scarred silver by all the stubber…fire she had drawn; and stained black where the
rockets had struck。
Thinking that his remaining Gunheads deserved to know of the company’s latest loss; he hit the
vox…link button on his headset and said; “This is 10th Company Command。 Listen up; Gunheads。
I’ve just heard from Colonel Pruscht that Steelhearted II is dead。 Viess and his crew are gone。 So;
keep your damned eyes open; both of you。 If Yarrick’s tank is here; this will all be over soon。 You
have to keep it tight until then。”
Two brief acknowledgements came back to him。 One from Wulfe; one from Lenck。 Van Droi
knew they utterly detested each other。 They were just about as different as two men could be; but
they were both survivors。 They had that much in common。
What was it about the character of each man; he wondered; that had got him this far when so
many others had fallen along the way? Was it Lenck’s self…serving ruthlessness? Wulfe’s rigid
honour code? Or his almost paternal concern for the lives of his crew?
If they both survived this; maybe van Droi could find a way to bridge the gap between them。
Troopers who disliked each other at first were often bonded by the trials they shared。 He had seen it
Then again; he thought; maybe not。
Up ahead; he noticed that the avenue was quickly widening。 The ork structures were bigger and
more widely spaced apart。 From some of the roofs; great crooked armatures reached up towards the
sky。 They looked like construction cranes。 Their heavy steel cables swung in the wind。
“Take it slow; Nails;” van Droi told his driver over the intercom。 “It looks like we’re
approaching the eastern edge of the settlement。 I can’t believe we’ve seen everything the orks have
Nails shifted down a gear; prompting a question from the Kasrkin lieutenant at the rear。
“Trouble up ahead?” he voxed。
“Can’t be sure;” replied van Droi。 “Come up and take a look。”
The Kasrkin officer; a rough…spoken man by the name of Gradz; clambered up the back of Foe…
Breaker and stopped close to van Droi。 Despite their proximity; they spoke over the vox。 The noise
of the engine was too loud for anything else。
“What do you think?” asked van Droi。
The Kasrkin took a moment to answer。 “I think we’ve just found our warboss; armour。 That
hangar dead ahead is the biggest structure I’ve seen so far。 Twice the size of those ones to the side。
I’ll bet you ten bottles of joi the bastard is in there right now。 The minute our lads move into that
open square; the orks’ll launch their last stand。 The warboss will lead it。”
Van Droi nodded in silent agreement。
“Well?” asked Gradz。 “You gonna take the bet?”
Something large moved in the shadowed mouth of the hangar。 The muzzle brake of a massive
battle cannon poked out into the daylight。 Van Droi and Gradz both saw it at the same time; but it
was too late to do anything。 The gun belched fire and smoke。 There was a clap of thunder。
They didn’t see the shell that killed them。 It happened too fast for that。
Foe…Breaker was flipped onto her back by the power of the explosion; crushing eight of the men
behind her。
Then her magazine ignited; and her armour blew outwards as a million spinning shrapnel shards。
No one within ten metres of her survived。
Orks were spewing out from buildings on all sides。
“We need to fall back right now;” Lieutenant Keissler voxed to Captain Immrich。 “Draw them
back into the narrower streets。”
“No;” snapped Immrich。 “I will not disobey the general’s orders。 We are to stand firm and
engage。 There will be no retreat。 This is their last stand; and it is ours as well。”
“You’re a bloody fool; Immrich;” hissed Keissler。 “I always thought so。 Death or glory; is it?”
“What else is there?” Immrich replied and took aim。
General deViers could barely hear himself think over all the noise on the vox。
Killian was yelling for permission to pull his men out of the ork settlement。 Rennkamp was
calling on him to send everything they had in to support the Cadian tanks; and Bergen was raving
about some monstrous ork battle tank five times the size of a Leman Russ that was ripping the
forward elements of his armoured division apart。
In the general’s mind; there was only one pertinent fact。 His prize was in there somewhere。 The
path was clear。
“Army Group Command to all units。 This is General Mohamar deViers。 In the name of the
Emperor; I order you to move in。 Converge on the east side of the settlement。 Give your lives if
necessary; but sell them dear。 Our victory must be absolute。 The Fortress of Arrogance is within
reach。 For Cadia and for the glory of all mankind; we will recover her this day。 Fight hard; brave
Cadians。 The Emperor protects!”
The Emperor wasn’t doing a very good job of protecting the men of the 88th Mobile Infantry。
Wulfe had been attached to one of their platoons for the sweep eastwards; but the men were
dropping like flies; hemmed in on all sides by savage aliens of simply breathtaking bulk and power。
Lasgun blasts hardly seemed to affect the orks at all。
Wulfe’s stubber…fire was only marginally more effective。 He did his best to keep the orks off the
men around him; gunning them down mercilessly with enfilading fire from his cupola; but there
were simply too many。 They weren’t the worst of it; either; not by far。
Between them; the Cadian armour and infantry would have found a way to overcome the
unmounted troops。 It would have needed time; coordination; and a healthy serving of old…fashioned

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