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“No;” said Holtz; cutting him off。 “Chipped a tooth; though。 Raging about it; he is。 He was here
earlier with that damned soggy cigar sticking out of his mouth。 Seemed to know you’d be all right。
Said you were to report to him once you were on your feet。 You and the rest of the tank
commanders; that is。”
That prompted another question。 “What about Lenck?” Wulfe asked; trying not to sound too
Holtz snorted。 He had declared his own dislike for the new tank commander early on。 Wulfe
guessed that Holtz’s feelings were based on envy more than anything else; though。 Holtz had
enjoyed great success with the ladies before his face had been scorched and ruined。 Lenck had
reportedly enjoyed comparable attention from some of the nurses and female naval officers aboard
the Hand of Radiance。 From what Wulfe had heard; he wasn’t shy about sharing the details; either。
“First out the lander; that one;” said Holtz with a scowl。 “He’s back inside it now; checking on
his tank。”
“Damn it;” muttered Wulfe。 He looked up at the sky again; addressing the Emperor。 “Was it too
much to bloody ask?”
Holtz gave a dry laugh。
“Look on the bright side;” he said。 “If that Terraxian ponce was right; there’ll be plenty more
chances for him to snuff it before we pull out of here。”
Wulfe shifted his weight and struggled gingerly to his feet。 He was a little dizzy; but he managed
to stand under his own power。 Once he was up; he turned and cast his gaze over the wreckage of the
crashed craft。
It was a sorry sight。 The desert was littered for hundreds of metres with fragments of every size
and shape。 Black smoke poured from the aft section; churning on a hot breeze。 Wulfe watched it
rise; climbing towards the clouds; and thought; frak! Talk about advertising our position。 We won’t
be able to stay here long; not running a flag like that。
He looked back at the crumpled body of the drop…ship。 Scores of sweating men moved around it;
carrying supply crates out from a tear in the hull。 Others worked to manually widen the massive
emergency doors at the ship’s rear so that 10th Company’s vehicles could be extracted。 They were
having a hard time of it; but there was little choice。 There was no way to get the tanks out via the
loading ramp。 The ship’s belly was pressed flat to the ground。
Another smaller group of men handled the grimmest task of all。 They knelt in the sand; leaning
over lifeless bodies to pull dog tags from their necks。
Wulfe’s eyes lingered on the motionless form of a trooper not twenty metres away。 The lad
looked barely out of his teens。 The pale skin of his face was bright against the dark red sand on
which he lay。
Bugfood; thought Wulfe。 He touched the silver aquila badge on the left breast pocket of his
tanker’s fatigues and whispered a quick prayer for the young trooper’s soul。 Such pitiful sights were
something he had gotten used to after so long in the field。 Life in the Guard: you either dealt with it
or you didn’t; and if you didn’t; the commissars would sort you out; permanently。
A million ways to die here; he thought; and we’ve already had the first。 Welcome to Golgotha;
“Right;” he said; facing Holtz。 “I’ll see a medic later。 For now; though; I’d better find van Droi。
Get Siegler and Metzger together and see about getting our old junk…heap out of the ship。 Come find
me when it’s done。”
“Right; sarge;” said Holtz; “but do me one favour; will you? Go easy on the tank…bashing。 You’ll
turn her against us if you keep that up。 Besides; you can’t judge a tank on shipboard exercises; can
“Maybe not;” said Wulfe grudgingly。 “Maybe not; but you and I both know she’s got a heck of a
lot to live up to。” He turned and limped off to find Lieutenant van Droi; determined to ignore the fire
in his joints and muscles as he went。
Far to the north of Wulfe’s position; things were very different for those elements of the 18th Army
Group that had landed safely。 Their fourth evening on Golgotha saw General Mohamar deViers
descend from orbit in his private aquila lander to personally oversee operations at the Imperial
beachhead; located; as the ork slavers’ base had so recently been; on the Hadron Plateau。
The preparatory stages of Operation Thunderstorm were already drawing to a close。
Construction of the neplete; well ahead of schedule thanks to
the contributions of the Adeptus Mechanicus。 Their abundant technologies; the impressive
prefabricated structures they had provided; the unceasing toil of their legions of brain…wiped
biomechanical slaves; these things and more had seen the laser…blasted surface of the plateau
converted and fortified in record time。 The 10th Armoured Division was preparing to roll out on the
morning of the following day; having been charged with securing the first of a series of outposts
critical to establishing key supply lines in the east。 So; with his private rooms already constructed
and awaiting occupation; it was high time; in the opinion of General deViers; that the men on the
ground felt the presence of their leader among them。 Time; he thought; to remind them just whose
show this was。
The sleek aquila touched down in the early evening; alighting on the base’s small rockcrete
runway without incident。 The last of the day’s light was just visible as a ruddy glow in the far west;
and the base’s floodlights were buzzing to life one by one。 The lander’s boarding ramp had barely
touched rock when the general strode down it and began barking orders。 He was a thin man; taller
than average for a Cadian; clean…shaven with pomaded silver hair and sunken cheeks。 At ninety…one
years of age; seventy…six of those spent in military service; he looked surprisingly young; no older;
in fact; than sixty。 The treatments and surgeries he had undergone to achieve this were both
expensive and painful; but never unacceptably so。
He was a man who placed a great deal of value on appearances; an attitude reflected in the
tailoring of his immaculate uniform and in the polished sheen of the medals that glinted over his left
breast pocket。 His voice; when he spoke; was sharp and clear; and he had a tendency to emphasise
certain words with little thrusts of his chin。 The first order of business; he told his men; was a swift
round of interviews and inspections; and no; they could not wait until the following morning。
He initiated the inspections; beginning; significantly; with the massive tank…crowded motor pool
and progressing anti…clockwise through each area in turn。 After two hours spent marching around
the base snapping out questions and comments; trying in vain to acclimatise to the thick; unpleasant
air; deViers confided to his long…suffering adjutant; Major Gruber; that he was deeply impressed。
Things had apparently been proceeding very well without him。 With its high curtain walls; towers
topped with Manticore and Hydra anti…air defences; and the broad; extended parapets boasting row
after row of Earthshaker artillery platforms; Exolon’s new Army Group HQ represented a vital
bastion of security on an otherwise hostile world。 DeViers was quietly convinced that it would hold
against even the most overwhelming ork siege。 It would have to。 In all likelihood; such an attack
was mere days away。 The Golgothan orks would have seen lights in the sky as the drop…ships had
descended。 Sooner or later; they would come to investigate。 No matter how many came; the base
could not be allowed to fall。 It was the lynchpin of deViers’ whole operation。
The plateau on which Hadron Base was being constructed measured over four kilometres in
diameter and lay almost directly on the line of the equator。 It had been selected on the basis of two
critical factors。 Firstly; with its sheer sides and few sloping access routes; it was; even without
fortification; eminently defensible。 Secondly; and more significantly; at a distance of some six
hundred kilometres from the general’s ultimate objective; it was the closest suitable geological
feature to the last known position of The Fortress of Arrogance。
His base inspection over; deViers ordered a briefing session with his three divisional