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小说: Gunheads(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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assume that your men have found The Fortress of Arrogance? I shall launch an orbital beacon as
soon as I have verified this。”
“No they bloody well have not found it;” deViers practically screamed。 Purple veins bulged at
his temples and up the side of his neck。 His eyes were wide; and Bergen saw for the first time that
the whites had turned pink; just like everyone else’s had。
So; he thought; the old man is suffering the effects of the fines; too。
“Tell me right now; magos;” demanded deViers; “are we in the right place? Is this not the valley
in your reports? These are the coordinates I was given!”
“This is the place; general。 All our intelligence indicated that The Fortress of Arrogance was
“Was being the operative word;” deViers exploded。
“Clearly; general;” said the magos with perfect self…control; “if it is not here; it must have been
moved。 Do not fret; however。 We of the Adeptus Mechanicus come prepared for such a
contingency。 We have the knoent that will allow us to track the movement of the
machine。 The Fortress of Arrogance was possessed of a unique and powerful machine…spirit。
Through our ancient arts; we may still be able to commune with that spirit and learn where its vessel
has been taken。”
DeViers looked far from placated by this; but his desperation seemed to bleed off a little。
Bergen; on the other hand; didn’t know what to think。 As a lifelong tanker; he had come to believe
in the machine…spirits that inhabited each of the tanks he had personally commanded。 He had seen
how much better they functioned when one observed the proper rites。 He had witnessed firsthand the
peculiar techno…sorcery of the Martian Priesthood in action。 There were so many things he would
never understand about it all。 Was Sennesdiar speaking the truth? Could he really commune with the
spirit of the revered machine?
Tech…Magos Sennesdiar let out a piercing mechanical shriek; and his adepts immediately turned
and stalked back to their idling Chimera where it sat atop the southern slope。
“My subordinates and I need to perform a ritual; general;” said Sennesdiar to deViers。 “We shall
consult the machine…spirit and bring you your answer。 Have faith。 I am no lowly enginseer。 I would
not have opted to join this mission in person had I harboured any doubts about its success。 You will
have your prize。”
DeViers’ jaw was tight。 He didn’t answer。 Bergen suspected that the old man was simply too
damned angry for words。 Sennesdiar didn’t wait for them anyway。 With a swish of his robes; he
turned his massive bulk and headed back to his Chimera; leaving deViers and his senior officers
halfway down the hillside; looking up; watching him go。
“Damned tech…priests;” hissed Killian。 He glanced over at Bergen; caught his eye; and said;
“Sorry; Gerard。 I know you tankers are close with them。”
Bergen shook his head。 “Not really; my friend。 They only let us know as much as they want us
to。 I don’t delude myself about that。”
“Do you think they really can perform some kind of sorcery?” asked Rennkamp。 “If they can’t;
we’ve come all this way; lost all those men; for absolutely nothing。”
Bergen shrugged。 “I guess we’ll know—”
He stopped short of finishing his sentence。 There was fresh chatter on the vox…bead in his ear。
The others heard it; too。 He saw the same expression steal over their faces as he knew must be
present on his own。
“Throne curse it all;” spat General deViers。 “Back to your machines all of you;” he ordered。
“The tech…priests had better perform their rites damned quickly。”
The senior officers turned and marched at speed to their idling vehicles。 The Sentinel pilots were
reporting orksign。 The greenskins were only two hours out。

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