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garrisoning duties and the like。 Wulfe knew that their first taste of front line action would sort the
men from the boys。
Thinking about who made the grade and who didn’t; he cast an involuntary glance along the
opposite row of seats towards a man on his far left。
I’ve got my eye on you; squigshit; he thought。
The speakers crackled to life again。 “Mesospheric penetration in ten; nine…”
“Sounds dirty; don’t it?” quipped a ruddy…faced trooper on the opposite row。
“You’re so full of crap; Garrel;” said the young man next to him with a mirthless laugh。 He tried
to punch his comrade playfully on the arm; but the bars of his impact frame restricted his movement。
The anxious trooper who’d spoken up earlier opened his mouth to speak again; but he didn’t get
a word out before the same gruff sergeant cut him off。
“Go on; Vintners;” he barked; “ask me what a mesosphere is。 I dare you。” Despite his manner;
there was an unmistakable tone of humour in the sergeant’s voice。 “You’ll be on latrines for the
whole frakking op!”
Nervous laughter rippled along the rows。 Vintners turned pale and clamped his mouth shut。
All this was mere background noise to Wulfe。 He was too busy watching the man on the far left;
studying the lines and angles of his hawkish face; watching the way he moved his lips as he talked
in an undertone with the crewmen seated around him。
His name was Corporal Voeder Lenck; twenty…eight years old and commander of the Leman
Russ Exterminator New Champion of Cerbera。 He was a tall; slim; darkly handsome man; all poster14
boy good looks; easy smiles and warm handshakes。 But Wulfe wasn’t fooled; not for a second; not
like the gang of doe…eyed sycophants that had surrounded Lenck since the moment he had
transferred in。 Why the rookies all flocked to him; Wulfe hadn’t figured out yet。 The man had been a
bloody reserve; for Throne’s sake。 What was there to admire? Admittedly; he wasn’t typical of the
newcomers。 He had some prior tank experience; for a start。 Perhaps that was it: a combination of
being fresh to the regiment; like the rest of the new meat; but being an experienced tanker at the
same time。 It was as good a guess as Wulfe could make。
The records showed that Lenck had been a sergeant earlier in his career; but something had gone
wrong。 There had been a trial; a court…martial。 He had been locked up for thirty days and demoted to
the rank of corporal。 Only the commissioned officers knew why and; so far; they weren’t telling; but
Wulfe planned to find out sooner or later。
The day he and Lenck had first met aboard the Hand of Radiance; Wulfe had recognised an icy
cruelty behind the man’s purple…irised eyes。 Lenck hadn’t done anything overt to induce Wulfe’s
dislike; not so far anyway; but Wulfe knew it would come sooner or later。 It didn’t help that he was
the spitting image of someone else; a convicted Cadian criminal by the name of Victor Dunst。 Dunst
and his gang of tattooed cronies had once tried to rob Wulfe in the under…streets of Kasr Gehr。
Wulfe had been a Whiteshield at the time; just a teenage cadet on leave before graduating from
basic。 He had been heavily outnumbered but; like so many Whiteshields; his belief in his
invincibility was so complete that he hadn’t even thought to run。 Instead; he had told the gang to
piss off; and Dunst had decided to kill him。 Only the chance intervention of a patrolling Civitas
enforcer squad had saved Wulfe’s life that day。 Dunst’s knife didn’t get more than two centimetres
into Wulfe’s chest。 Wulfe had been very lucky。
As Wulfe looked along the row; Lenck seemed to realise that he was being watched。 He didn’t
turn his head or shift his eyes; he just seemed to sense it。 Wulfe saw a grin creep over the younger
man’s face and felt a tremendous desire to punch him。 The feeling of Lenck’s bones cracking under
his fist would be supremely satisfying; he imagined。 Wulfe was no brawler; not like some of the
men he knew; but he was no slouch; either。 He was pretty sure he could take Lenck if it ever came
down to a fair fight; though Lenck didn’t seem the type to fight fair。 Such an event was unlikely to
occur; of course。 For Lenck; striking Wulfe would constitute a capital offence due to the difference
in rank。 Still; thought Wulfe; if we were to put rank aside…
The ceiling speakers crackled again。 “Particle shields holding at eighty per cent。 Entering
stratosphere in ten; nine; eight…”
Any jokes or remarks that this announcement might have drawn died in the throats of the
troopers as the drop…ship began shaking and juddering。 Most of the drop…virgins grimaced。 A few
started to look peaky; as if they might begin to puke。
“Time to put them in; gentlemen;” said Wulfe to his crew。 He reached into the right pocket of
his field trousers and withdrew a small; transparent curve of hard rubber。 It was a gumshield; the
kind worn by troopers during hand…to…hand combat training。 With a nod; Metzger; Siegler and Holtz
drew identical items from their pockets and fitted them securely between their teeth。 All along the
facing rows; veteran tankers did the same thing。 The new meat looked on with expressions of abject
“By the bloody Eye! Why didn’t anyone tell the rest of us to bring gumshields?” demanded a
round…faced trooper ten seats to Wulfe’s right。 He was the newest man on Sergeant Rhaimes’ crew;
and it was Rhaimes — seasoned commander of the Leman Russ Old Smashbones — who answered;
removing his gumshield for a moment to do so。
“Company tradition; bugfood;” he said。 He grinned; creasing the skin around the deep scar that
ran from his left eye to his left ear。 Bugfood was his personal term of affection for the new guys and;
whenever he said it; he managed to make it sound like idiot or arsehole。 Recently; a lot of the
veterans had started using it; and not just in 10th Company。 “You’re still a drop…virgin till you break
a tooth on the way down。”
The trooper gaped in disbelief for a moment and then fished in his pocket for something。 He
pulled out a wadded piece of rag; the type of cloth used to shine boots or buttons before inspection;
and stuffed it into his mouth。 With a miserable expression; he bit down on it。 Wulfe guessed it must
taste strongly of polish。
From the corner of his eye; he saw Rhaimes nodding at the young trooper。 “Good thinking; son。
Good thinking。 We’ll make something of you yet。”
“…three; two; one;” buzzed the voice from the ceiling。 “Tropospheric entry achieved。 Height;
nine thousand metres。 All personnel brace for increased atmospheric buffeting。 Touchdown in
approximately nineteen minutes。 Disengaging onboard gravitational systems。 Switching to local
gravity in three; two; one…”
For the second time since he had come aboard; there was an instant of gravitational overlap that
made Wulfe feel twice as heavy as he normally did。 Some of the men grunted as their bodies
protested against the sudden strain but; once the grav…plates below their feet went dead; they hardly
noticed the difference。
According to the thick wad of briefing papers that everyone had been issued — though few but
the guys in recon; as usual; had bothered to read — Golgotha’s surface gravity was a fairly
manageable 1。12Gs。 Wulfe; who typically weighed around eighty…five kilograms; now weighed
twelve per cent more; a little over ninety…five; but the increase didn’t bother him。 The tech…crews
onboard the Hand of Radiance had taken care of that。 Since leaving Palmeros; they had
incrementally increased the shipboard gravity each day; subtly preparing the troops for their
eventual ground deployment。 Men like Siegler and Sergeant Rhaimes; usually a little soft around the
middle; had hardened up a lot over the last few months。 Wulfe had felt his appetite increasing little
by little; and had noticed his clothes tightening around his arms; legs and chest。 His body had
adapted。 Now; with the planet’s local gravity acting on him directly; he didn’t feel any heavier than
normal。 It would make a big difference to the tanks; though; fuel efficiency; firing distance;
trajectory; speed; wear and tear。 All of these were matters of serious concern。 The enginseers