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Storm Of Iron(科幻战争)-第68章

小说: Storm Of Iron(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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the bastion; stepping over the lines of entrenchments。
His monstrous foe was before him; and a cold; lead weight settled in the pit of his stomach as he clearly saw the terrifying form of
the Dies Irae over the jagged top of the broken ramparts。 Its body was blackened and scorched by fire and its head was a molten;
dented mass; green fire blazing from behind its single remaining eye。 Gunfire blazed from its weapon mounts; sawing through the
ramparts and hammering the Titans of his battle group。
The Armis Juvat staggered; a round from the enemy Titan's hellstorm cannon defeating its shields and clipping the knee joint of its
left leg。
'Armis Juvat and Pax Imperator; brace for firing!' shouted Daekian as he increased speed and thundered towards the bastion's
The princeps of the Reavers planted their Titans' feet squarely on the ground and unleashed a deadly volley of fire at the Dies Irae。
The enemy Titan returned fire as it continued to advance。 Daekian initialised the linear accelerators that powered the Volcano
cannon and took command of the weapon himself。 Not that he did not trust and respect the Moderati who controlled the weapon;
but if there was to be a kill shot; he would be the one to make it。
Graham McNeill ?Storm of Iron?
Another shot from the Dies Irae's plasma annihilator blew apart a further section of the wall as it stepped down into the ditch;
crushing hundreds of corpses with every ponderous tread。 He flinched as a flare of bright light to his side briefly illuminated the
bridge and he craned his neck to see what had exploded。
The Armis Juvat toppled backwards; the top half of its upper body blown away。 Geysers of plasma fire spilled from the ruptured
reactor as the slain Reaver crashed to the ground。 The Pax Imperator was suffering under the barrage of fire from the daemon
Titan; but was still fighting。
'Void shields failing; princeps!' shouted Moderati Issar as a volley of shells struck the Honoris Causa。
'Full speed! We must close with the monster before we suffer a similar fate!' replied Daekian。
Less than a hundred metres separated them now and Daekian could make out the terrible damage Princeps Fierach had managed
to inflict on this warp…spawned beast before being dragged to his death。 Huge steel plates were crudely welded across the Dies
Irae's midsection and all manner of auxiliary mechanisms had been grafted to its legs to allow it to move。
Fire from the gatling blaster blasted off more of its void shields and as Daekian saw a single shell explode against its upper
bastions; he knew that the beast was stripped of its infernal protection。
He pushed the Honoris Causa forward and raised the volcano cannon。
'This is for Princeps Fierach;' he snarled and fired。
He watched the searing beam of unimaginably powerful energy streak towards the Dies Irae's head; knowing; even as he fired;
that the shot was true。
His triumph turned to disbelief as the beam struck on a void shield; repaired at the last second before impact。 The Dies Irae
ground its torso towards him; the white…hot barrel of its plasma weapon aimed directly at him。
'Evasive manoeuvres!' he bellowed; even as he knew it would be too late。
The Honoris Causa lurched sideways as the plasma bolt fired。
Princeps Daekian ost。
The shot impacted on the Warlord's volcano cannon; instantaneously vaporising the weapon in a seething ball of plasma。 The
explosion ripped up the Titan's arm; the adamantium structure flashing molten in a heartbeat。
Daekian screamed in agony; convulsing as the flashback from his arm's destruction flared along the mind impulse link。 Blood
streamed from his nose and ears; but he kept true to his course; striding towards the hazy outline of the Dies Irae through the
smoke filling the command bridge。
He reached the walls at the same instant as the Dies Irae; the raised ground inside Vincare bastion bringing him level with his
foe's head。 The Pax Imperator circled around to his right; its carapace running with plasma fire and limping as its leg joints trailed
streamers of white sparks。
Daekian lashed out with the Honoris Causa's one remaining arm; his battle claw slamming against the Dies Irae's chest。 The
massive Titan rocked back under the powerful blow; swinging its arm against the lip of the bastion and smashing through the
rockcrete and hammering into the Honoris Causa's upper leg。
Daekian felt the leg crack and heard the screams over the vox from the engineering decks。 He had moments at best。
He swiped again at his gigantic foe; ripping the armour plating away from the Dies Irae's belly as it pummelled his wounded flank
with its arms。 It lurched backwards; attempting to protect its now vulnerable reactor。
The horrendously damaged Pax Imperator charged into the fight; its chain fist ripping through the upper bastions of the Dies hae;
its blade shrieking as it tore downwards towards the war machine's bridge。
The Dies Irae's barbed tail swung and pulverised the knee joint of the Pax Imperator; shaking loose its chain fist and staggering
the mighty god…machine。
Daekian watched the Dies hae turn and hammer the barrel of its plasma annihilator into the bridge of the Pax Imperator and fire at
point…blank range。
The upper half of the Reaver vanished in a searing blast; enveloping the two battling Titans ains of the
Pax Imperator crashed over the walls of the bastion into the ditch; huge plumes of black smoke trailing from its burning hulk。
But its death had given Daekian the opening he needed。
He rammed his battle claw against the heat…softened midsection of the Dies Irae's reactor chamber; through the wound first
opened by Princeps Fierach。 He roared as he punched through into his foe's guts; gripping its nuclear heart in his iron grip and
crushing it with all his might。
HONSOU WATCHED THE battle between the enormous war machines through the drifting haze of smoke; willing the majestic form
of the Dies Irae to smash its inferior foes to scrap metal。 He sheltered in the lee of the breach; his armour dusty and bloodstained。
His frustration grew with every explosion above him。 They could not force the breach like this。
He watched as the leviathans struggled on the far bastion; their battle shaking the ground as though a powerful earthquake gripped
the world。 'Forrix!' he yelled over the din of shells exploding at the crest of the breach。 'One way or another; this battle will soon
be over。 It is time to withdraw!'
Forrix shook his head; sneering。 'I should have known your cowardice would finally come to the fore! We stay and take this
Honsou felt his anger flare and gripped Forrix's armour; shouting。 'We have to go! The attack has lost its momentum and the
enemy will be regrouping behind the walls。 We only reinforce failure if we stay。 There will be another time!'
For a second; Honsou thought Forrix was about to rebuke him again; but the fury drained from his eyes and he nodded; turning
without a word and scrambling down the breach。
Honsou followed him and the Iron Warriors retreated from the walls; falling back to the ditch in disciplined groups。 As he
clambered over an iron…bar…studded chunk of rockcrete; the day was lit by a terrible brightness。 The sky was bleached of colour
and everything before him was bathed in the blinding light of a star。
Graham McNeill ?Storm of Iron?
The Dies Irae was enveloped in a dazzling ball of incandescent fire; huge sprays of plasma gouting from its belly。 The enemy
Titan with the burning white eyes had its fist buried in its guts; tearing and destroying the magnificent daemon machine。 Locked
together; the two Titans wrestled to escape each other's grip; the ground heaving with their battle。
As Honsou watched; a terrible groaning rent the air as the two machines rocked past their combined centre of gravity and slowly
began to fall towards them into the ditch。
'Run!' he shouted; all thought of a disciplined retreat forgotten in the face of this new danger。 He sprinted past the ravelin and leapt
up the rubble slopes of the ditch as the two war machines slammed into the outer face of the curtain wall between Vincare bastion
and the gate。 Their massive bodies scraped down its face; trailing flaming sheets of burning plasma

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