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Storm Of Iron(科幻战争)-第61章

小说: Storm Of Iron(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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thoughts; Castellan。 These traitors are heretics and know nothing of notions such as bravery and honour。 They keep coming at our
walls to die because they fear the wrath of their masters more than us。 Push such thoughts from your mind。 You must not allow
yourself to identify with this scum in any way; lest you find pity staying your hand and pay with your life for that moment of
Leonid nodded and returned his gaze to the massacre below。 'What purpose is served here?' he asked。 'They will never gain a
foothold on the walls like this。 It is madness。'
'They gain a clearer understanding of our defences; explode our minefields and clog the walls with dead。'
'Why don't the Iron Warriors come; damn them?'
'Do not worry; Castellan; you will get your chance to fight the Iron Warriors; but you may soon regret that wish。'
'Perhaps;' said Leonid; watching as a dozen soldiers managed to survive long enough to traverse the barricades below and begin
scrambling up the breach。 To either side of him; his platoon waited; rifles aimed in a line down the breach。 Leonid swept down his
sword and shouted; 'Fire!'
Thirty rifles fired in a perfect volley and the enemy were blasted backwards; flopping like boneless puppets as they cartwheeled
down the breach。
For a further three bloody hours the enemy threw themselves at the wall before pulling back at some unheard signal; leaving over
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two and a half thousand men dead in the ditch。 Not a single traitor had managed to climb the breach。
A hoarse cheer followed the traitors back to their lines as the weary Guardsmen hurled enemy corpses from the walls of the
ravelin; and orderlies rushed from posterns in the Destiny Gate to carry back the wounded。
'Well; we survived;' said Leonid。
'That was just the beginning;' promised Eshara。
CAPTAIN ESHAKA'S WORDS were to prove prophetic; as the soldiers of the Iron Warriors launched another two assaults on the
walls。 Thousands more died in the nightmare hell of the ditch; shelled to bloody rags; shot or blown apart by mines。 On three
occasions; the Primus Ravelin almost fell; but Piet Anders and the Space Marines managed to rally the defenders every time and
take back the walls just when everything seemed lost。
Flanking fire from the face of the Mori bastion swept the face of the ravelin clear of attackers and as night fell on the first day of
the escalade; Leonid guessed that some five thousand enemy soldiers lay dead in the citadel's ditch。 The preliminary butcher's bill
amongst his own men for today's fighting was estimated to be a hundred and eighty dead; with perhaps twice that seriously
wounded。 Of these wounded; perhaps a third would not fight again。
The Iron Warriors could afford to suffer such horrendous loss of life without fear; but Leonid could not。
Even if the Jourans could keep up such an impressive kill…ratio; the Iron Warriors would inevitably wear them down。 Leonid knew
he could not allow this battle to become one of attrition。
Under cover of darkness; he and Eshara descended from the walls; leaving the citadel through the Destiny Gate's postern and
making their way to the Primus ravelin。 Here they found Major Anders; his face blood and sweat stained; sitting with his men
drinking a mug of caffeine。
'You've done well; men;' called Leonid。 'Damn well。'
The soldiers beamed with pride at their commander's words。
'But tomorrow will be just as hard; and I'll need your very best。'
'We won't let you down; sir;' said a soldier from the ramparts above。
Leonid raised his voice and said; 'I know you won't; son。 You're doing fine here; and I'm damn proud of you。 You've shown these
curs what it means to take on the 383rd!'
The soldiers cheered as Leonid turned to Piet Anders and shook his hand。
'Nice work; Piet; but watch your left flank;' he cautioned。 'With the breach on that side; we can't bring enough guns to bear and
more of the enemy are getting around it。'
Anders saluted。 'Aye; sir; I'll keep an eye out。'
Leonid nodded; confident in his officer's ability to hold the ravelin。 He returned Anders' salute before he and Eshara returned to
the citadel。
They visited Vincare bastion; the curtain wall; the breach and Mori bastion; heaping praise on the soldiers and exhorting them
with tales of valour from the other sections of the citadel。 Each body of men vowed to outdo the others; and by the time Leonid
returned to his temporary billet in the gate towers he was exhausted and a little light headed from the amount of amasec his men
had forced upon him。
He lay down on his simple pallet bed and fell into a dreamless sleep。
JHAREK KELMAUR CLIMBED the blasted mountain of Tor Christo; picking his way confidently across the rubble; despite the
darkness。 His head scanned from side to side; as though searching for something; while a red…robed figure followed behind him;
hands clasped beneath its robes and head bowed。 The robed figure's physique was swollen and disproportionate; with broad
shoulders; grossly misshapen arms and a barrel chest。
The sorcerer crested a ridge of jagged rock and scanned the ground before him。 His tattooed skull bobbed as he hunted for
something within the wreckage of the mountain。 Something that; for now; eluded him。
'It should be here;' he muttered to himself; withdrawing a tattered scroll; its gold lettering faded and almost illegible。 His
frustration was growing and he knew he did not have much time left。 His vision had promised him a hidden chamber beneath the
rock of Tor Christo; so where was it? He descended into a huge crater of loose stone and scarred rock; his footing sure even
through the black night and rough ground。
His silent companion dutifully followed him; its footsteps surprisingly heavy for a being of such mass。
The moonlight pooled around the curious pair; bathing them in vermilion light。 Kelmaur circled the crater with increasing
desperation。 Behind him; the robed figure stopped abruptly and lifted its head to stare directly towards a huge slab of rock; toppled
from the mountain and lying flush with the blasted rockface。
Without any word to Kelmaur; the figure strode across the crater towards the rock; halting ten metres from the slab。
Jharek Kelmaur smiled。
'You sense it; don't you?' he whispered and watched as the figure unclasped its arms and extended them towards the slab。 The
fabric of its robe rippled; as though some monstrous motion disturbed it; and something black and glossy extended from the ends
of the sleeves。
The crater was suddenly bathed in light as twin beams of incandescent fire shot from the figure's arms and the rock exploded into
fragments。 As the dust dissipated; Kelmaur rejoiced at the sight of an ancient; verdigris…stained bronze gate。 Again the searing
beams stabbed out and the gate exploded into molten chunks; revealing a darkened passageway that led deep into the mountain。
Kelmaur felt his heart race in excitement。 Here; he would walk passages that had not known the tread of man for ten thousand
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years。 The robed figure clasped its arms once more and set off towards the revealed passage。 Kelmaur followed and the pair made
their way through the remains of the gate and into the mountain。
Neither Kelmaur nor his fellow traveller required light to see。 The sorcerer marvelled at the precise; geomantic precision of the
tunnel as it descended for hundreds of metres into the rock of Tor Christo。
Eventually; the tunnel emerged into a wide; domed chamber; lit by a diffuse glow that radiated from the walls。 The floor was a
broad disc of solid bronze; almost thirty metres in diameter; with an intricately designed pattern etched onto it。 It was familiar to
Kelmaur; but he could not remember why。 Reluctantly; he tore his senses away from its beguiling pattern。
His wordless companion moved to the chamber's centre; reaching up with glistening; black hands that seemed just a little too
large; and pulled back the hood of its robes。
Beneath was a face that had once been human; but was now disfigured beyond all recognition。 Adept Etolph Cycerin's face was
alive with crawling bio…organic circuitry。 Even the augmentations grafted on by the Adeptus Mechanicus had transformed

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