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Storm Of Iron(科幻战争)-第60章

小说: Storm Of Iron(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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Graham McNeill ?Storm of Iron?
the countermine in the Primus Ravelin; but it was repulsed with heavy losses by a strong tunnel guard that never left the mine
Forrix was carried back to his dugout; where he was attended by the Warsmith's Chirumeks。 The master of the Iron Warriors made
it very clear that their survival was directly linked to that of his war…captain。
While Forrix healed; Honsou volunteered to take over supervision of the mining operations。 Kroeger had not emerged from his
dugout for days and Honsou wondered what new blood…madness now possessed him。 The Imperial Fists had explosively sealed
their countermines when it had become obvious that their attacks could not succeed。 Once the damage done by the sally had been
repaired; the undermining works progressed once more。
Siege tanks now moved up through the saps towards the third parallel; taking their positions in the heavily fortified earthwork。
Day and night; trucks laden with shells for these iron behemoths would make the dangerous trip from the campsite; depositing the
ordnance in newly constructed and heavily armoured magazines。
Observers watched as embrasures were cut in the earthworks; the soil left in place until such time as the tanks were ready to
unleash their firepower against the defenders。
Fresh trenches were dug backwards from the third parallel; equipped with smaller parallels where huge numbers of soldiers could
muster; ready to hurl themselves at the walls。
A sense of dread began to permeate the garrison; despite the officers' attempts to raise spirits and boost morale。 The sheer scale of
the assault soon to be unleashed upon them preyed upon the minds of even the most determined Imperial defenders。
Three days after the attack on the tunnels a terrible rumbling rocked the walls of the citadel; like the beginnings of an earthquake。
The ground beneath the fortress heaved upwards and cracks split the roadways throughout the inner walls。
Along the edge of the ditch; a huge wall of fire and smoke leapt upwards as explosives planted there blasted its crest apart;
scattering rubble into the ditch and providing a means for infantry to descend into it。
But barely had the dust settled when an explosion of far greater magnitude shook the ground。 Wide galleries that ran underneath
the curtain wall linking the Destiny Gate and the right flank of the Mori bastion collapsed as vast quantities of ordnance detonated
and vaporised huge swathes of the wall's foundations。
The centre section of the great wall groaned as it sagged; the noise swelling as a giant crack split the curtain wall; the sound like a
deafening gunshot。 Officers shouted at their men to clear the walls; but for many it was already too late as the sixty…metre high
wall slid ponderously into the ground; huge chunks of rockcrete shearing away and tumbling into the ditch。 Hundreds of men were
carried to their deaths and vast clouds of dust billowed skywards。
As more of the wall fell; the speed of its collapse increased exponentially; whole sections of the ramparts toppling into the ditch。
The scale of the destruction was incredible and it seemed inconceivable that such a mighty edifice could be so thoroughly
By the time the collapse had ceased; almost the entire centre of the wall had been brought down。 A great breach some thirty
metres wide had been torn in the curtain wall; the rubble from the wall's destruction forming a debris slope that ran from the floor
of the ditch to the crest of the breach。
The Iron Warriors had broken open the citadel。
Graham McNeill ?Storm of Iron?
As THE GREAT wall came crashing down into the ditch; a swelling roar burst from the thousands of Iron Warriors' human soldiers
who went over the top of their trenches and charged the citadel。 Despite the pleas from his officers; Leonid stood on the rubble at
the crest of the breach; his power sword and bolt pistol drawn。 His bronze breastplate shone like new and his uniform was freshly
pressed and immaculate。 Brother…Captain Eshara stood alongside him; twin swords gripped tightly in his gauntlets。
Leonid felt the fury of the enemy soldiers strike him like a blow and its intensity stunned him。
'They hate us so;' he whispered to himself。 'Why?'
'They are heretics and hate all that is good;' stated Eshara in a voice that brooked no argument。 The Space Marine captain swung
his arms; loosening his shoulder muscles and rotating his neck。
The guns of Mori bastion opened fire and a second later were joined by those in the Primus Ravelin。 Hundreds of soldiers were
scythed down in the murderous crossfire; their bodies torn apart in a hail of shells and lasers。
The first wave was almost completely annihilated; but thousands more followed; spilling down into the ditch and swarming across
the rubble…strewn ground。
The floor of the ditch heaved upwards; obscuring the attackers in fire and shrapnel; as anti…personnel mines exploded and gouged
bloody holes in the charging horde。 The ditch became a blood…soaked killing ground as soldiers died in their hundreds; blown
apart by mines or shot from the walls。 A few hardy souls managed to climb to the top of the ravelin where they were brutally
hacked down by Guardsmen with long…bladed poleaxes。 The noise of gunfire; screams and the clash of steel on steel echoed from
the valley sides as the slaughter continued。
More mines exploded。 As some bloodied survivors managed to push themselves through to the rubble slopes of the breach; they
found themselves facing a barbed and spiked barricade of twisted girders hurled from above。
The attack floundered at the base of the breach; the ditch carpeted with bodies and blood。 In the re…entrant angle of the Mori
bastion; where the arrowhead shape of the bastion narrowed before rejoining the main wall; Leonid had placed cannons armed
with shells filled with ballbearings; bolts and metal fragments。 The first cannon fired; the shell bursting apart as it left the muzzle
and spraying lethal fragments in an expanding cone。 The remaining cannons fired seconds later and the attackers at the base of the
breach were snatched away in the bloody storm; torn to ribbons by the guns' discharge。
Leonid shouted a warning to Major Anders in the Primus Ravelin; as the sheer volume of soldiers flooding the ditch finally
managed to sweep around the flanks of the V…shaped outwork。 But Piet Anders was ready for them; leading his warriors in a
furious counter…charge。 Battle was joined within the ravelin as the men of the Jouran Dragoons crashed into the disordered mob of
soldiers; chopping them down with swords and bludgeoning them with rifle butts。 Major Anders hacked a bloody path through the
attackers with his blade; the ensigns bearing his colours fighting to keep up with the officer; killing anyone who came near。
The battle for the walls of the ravelin became fiercer as a giant of a man with a huge axe gained its ramparts。 Huge and fat; his
reach was long and he killed anyone that stood against him。 Enemy soldiers bunched around the man; beginning to fan out along
the ramparts in a fighting wedge that would allow yet more warriors to climb to the ramparts。
Leonid watched in desperation as the giant slaughtered the ravelin's defenders until a squad of Imperial Fists on the eastern wall
counterattacked。 A volley of grenades blasted a hole in the wedge and the squad's sergeant shot the axe…wielding giant dead;
blasting his head from his shoulders with his plasma pistol。 The defenders rallied and pushed the last of the enemy from the walls。
Leonid let out the breath he hadn't realised he was holding。
The carnage below was terrible。 The scale of such killing in so short a time was incredible。 But despite the death…toll; the soldiers
in red kept coming at the etre of the ditch was covered in blood or bodies。
'They are brave; I'll give them that;' said Leonid; watching as another enemy soldier was shot dead as he clambered across the
barricades below。
'No;' snapped Eshara; raising his voice to be heard over the din of battle。 'They are not brave。 Do not ever give voice to such
thoughts; Castellan。 These traitors are heretics and know nothing of notions such as bravery and honour。

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