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Storm Of Iron(科幻战争)-第37章

小说: Storm Of Iron(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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impact。 His Terminator armour had been forged on the Anvil of Holades on Olympia itself and its ancient spirit was as corrupt as
he; and not yet willing to fall。 Forrix recovered his balance and punched his power fist through the plasma gunner's chest in a
shower of bone splinters; lifting the impaled body from the ground and hurling it through the air in a bloody arc。
Bursts of bolter fire and disembowelling sweeps of lightning claws silenced the resistance。 Forrix strode to the access door
controls on the far wall and wrenched the release lever into the ''open'' position。 The doors screeched; the mechanisms protesting
as their motors suddenly reversed and began to rumble open again。 Forrix backed away and put three bolts through the control
Satisfied the gun bay doors would not be closing any time soon; Forrix rounded the blood…splattered bulldozer; watching as his
warriors with reaper cannons began slaughtering the remaining defenders of the cavern in controlled bursts of gunfire。
As the slaughter continued; the Guardsmen broke and ran for the steps。 Those not quick enough to reach the cover of the stairs
were shredded by the Iron Warriors' firepower; their screams drowned in the deafening roar of the cannons。 Any not killed in the
initial bursts were soon torn apart as the shells destroyed their barricade in an instant。 Within seconds the entire defence was gone;
only chewed up crates and mangled corpses remaining。
A single; terrified soldier suddenly broke from cover; sprinting for the stairs。 Three cannons tracked him as he ran; but Forrix said;
'No; this one is mine。'
Forrix let the man get within a hair's breadth of safety before he fired his weapon。
Shells tore great chunks from the wall behind his victim; shattering several control panels。
As fast as the soldier had run; it was not fast enough。 A single shell clipped his thigh as he twisted out of the line of fire; instantly
shearing his leg from his body just below the hip。
He landed in a bloody bundle; shrieking in agony as he saw the ragged stump of his leg; its remains hanging by gory threads。
Forrix smiled and marched across the rockcrete floor; stepping across the wide rail tracks to stand above the man。 He was
hyperventilating and staring in horror at his ruined leg。
'The hydraulic shock will drag the blood from your heart in a few seconds;' said Forrix; his voice distorted by his armour's voxunit。
The man glanced up; uncomprehending; his eyes glazing over as death drew near。
Graham McNeill ?Storm of Iron?
'You are lucky;' said Forrix。 'You will die before the Warsmith ascends。 Thank your Emperor for that。'
The sound of battle faded and the cavern was theirs。 Terminators hurried past him; eager to continue the killing。
He opened a channel to the remainder of his company。
'The lower level of the fort is ours。 Send the rest of the men。'
Forrix lifted his eyes from the dying soldier and climbed the stairs to where two Terminators were attacking a wide set of steel
doors; driving their powerful chainsaw…equipped fists into the junction of the doors。
Molten sparks filled the tunnel; spilling down the steps onto the waiting Terminators。
HONSOU SCRAMBLED UP the jagged piles of debris and loose rubble cascading down the breach in his wake。 Twisted
reinforcement bars jutted from smashed blocks of rockcrete like tendons; and dust fogged the air。 Bright stabs of las…fire from
above pierced the smoke in huge numbers; melting rock and hissing against armour。 A bolt stuck his shoulder guard; staggering
him; but he pressed on。 A grenade burst at his feet; deadly fragments ringing from his armour and embedding themselves in his
leg greaves。
He could see the enemy had cast down a barrier of rusted abatis; sharpened iron girders; crudely welded together to form waisthigh
obstacles to their charge。 Honsou knew that the longer they were under fire; the less likely they were to be able to scale the
breach。 This was the point at which many assaults came to end; broken by obstacles and shredded by the defenders' fire。
For this attack to have any chance of success at all they had to mount the breach in one leap to overwhelm the defenders lining the
parapet。 Honsou tripped as the rocks slid out from beneath his feet; narrowly avoiding being obliterated by a shot from a
lascannon。 He pushed himself angrily to his feet and cursed as he saw three black…steel tubes bound together with packing tape
clatter down the slope of the breach。
Honsou threw himself flat onto the rocks as the demolition charge exploded。 The Shockwave dislodged whole swathes of rubble
and he felt himself sliding back down the breach; his auto…senses kicking in to protect him from the deafening and blinding
detonation。 Two Iron Warriors were snatched away in the blast; their armour ripped open by the force of the demo charge。 Honsou
rolled upright; his armour smoking from the explosion and clawed his way back up the breach。
More shots riddled the shattered breach; vitrifying the rock and pitting the ground with bullet impacts。 Honsou felt powerful
impacts from a heavy bolter slam into his armour。 Pain blossomed up his left arm as one shell found its mark in the gap between
his vambrace and elbow guard。 Fire from the bastion to the north delivered murderous flanking fire into his men。 The sheer
amount of enemy firepower was now telling。 Honsou saw another Iron Warrior fall; his armour pierced by a smoking hole
punched in his breastplate。
More grenades bounced down the breach。 Honsou pushed upwards; reaching for the abatis and pulling himself forward。 The grey
flanks of the wall stretched high above him。 The only way in was through this six metre wide breach the guns had blasted; and the
sliver of red sky he could see through it was a beacon to him。
This was taking too damn long! Already the human Chaos soldiery were clambering over the lip of the rocks below and he hadn't
even fought his way into the mouth of the breach yet。 Honsou gripped the rusted girders of the abatis in both hands; roaring as he
ripped them from their position; sending them tumbling to the base of the breach; crushing half a dozen soldiers as they fell。
Another Iron Warrior climbed up to join him and the two of them went forwards; firing their bolt pistols as they climbed。 Through
the dust and smoke; Honsou could see shadowy forms at the jagged top of the breach and could hear screaming voices yelling him
onwards。 He shot into the smoke; hearing screams of pain as his bolts hit home。
He pushed forwards; gripping the stonework as the slope grew steeper。 A shot punched into his breastplate; another grazed his
head。 Shots filled the air; flashes of las…fire vaporising the smoke as they slashed past him。 The one remaining tower at the head of
the bastion sprayed bullets across the breach; kicking up spurts of rock dust while grenades wreathed them in ringing detonations
and spinning fragments。 The warrior beside him fell; his helmet a molten ruin; but Honsou pushed on through it all; oblivious to
the screams of dying men around him and the battle cries of the hundreds of soldiers that now clambered up the rocky slopes
behind him。
The top of the breach was close now; he could make out individual forms through the smoke。 He saw a Guardsman rigging
another demolition charge and waited until the man stood up; ready to heave the explosives over the lip of the breach; before
shooting him in the head。 Blood sprayed from the stump of his neck and the man tumbled backwards; the primed demo charge
falling from his dead fingers。
Honsou dropped flat as the rocks above him were swept clear of defenders by the massive explosion。 Screams and desperate
orders sounded from above。 He leapt to his feet; drawing his sword and sprinting for all he was worth towards the billowing pillar
of black smoke that wreathed the crest of the breach。
He collided with a pair of figures dressed in sky blue uniforms; and swept his sword across their chests; dropping them screaming
to the ground。 He could see more soldiers rushing to plug the sudden gap in their defence and shouted; 'Iron Warriors; with me!'
But Honsou was alone。 He turned to face the nearest Guardsmen as they charged him。 He killed the first

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