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Storm Of Iron(科幻战争)-第31章

小说: Storm Of Iron(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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that came partiality。
Kroeger's warriors hacked a bloody path through the men of the Jouran Dragoons; their blades soaked in gore。 This was no battle
any more; it was simple butchery and Kroeger revelled in the slaughter; feeling the surge of satisfaction hammer in his blood as he
slew。 His senses contracted until he could see nothing beyond the arterial spray and hear nothing beyond the screams of the dying。
A man fell to his knees before him; weeping and screaming; but Kroeger spun low; slashing his sword across the man's neck。 He
dropped his sword and reached down to pluck the dying man from the ground。 Kroeger tore off his helmet; raising his victim up
and allowing the spray of the man's lifeblood to spatter his face。 Blood streamed down his face in thick rivulets and Kroeger
tipped his head back to allow the life…giving fluid to fill his throat。
The hot blood tasted sublime; infused with terror and pain。
Kroeger roared with a monstrous lust; ripping the corpse in two then raising his sword high。 His senses screamed at him; every
nerve alive with hunger for more。
Always more。 There could never be enough blood。
The red mist dropped over his eyes and Kroeger set off once more into battle。
HONSOU FIRED AS he ran; leading his warriors forward。 He dived forward as a disciplined volley of las…fire blasted overhead;
rolling to his knees and firing bursts at the source of the shots。 Distorted screams echoed through the smoke as his bolts found
homes in human flesh。 His warriors darted forwards in groups; each covering the other's advance with carefully placed fire。
Men and tanks roared through the smoke; swirling banks of white clouds belching from the vehicles' smoke dispensers。
Graham McNeill ?Storm of Iron?
Honsou cursed as one of Forrix's Land Raiders rumbled past him; its sponson…mounted lascannon missing him by less than a
metre。 His auto…senses kicked in as the powerful weapon fired; flaring the smoke to vapour as it speared into the distance。
A massive burst of light from ahead told Honsou that there was a Titan there; one of its void shields now stripped away。 He
grinned as he imagined the desperate crew within; frantically trying to raise that shield as the Iron Warriors continued their attack。
The soldiers pressed into their service sprinted alongside Honsou; the Warsmith deeming his company in need of support from
such rabble。 It angered Honsou that these scum fought beside his men; but he would not lower himself to voicing his outrage at
this latest insult。
He worked the fire of his bolter left and right; deliberately catching a few of the red…clad soldiers in his volley; and rose to his feet。
He sprinted forward; joining a firing squad of Iron Warriors。 They had a large number of Imperial Guardsmen pinned in a dusty
crater; its lip wreathed in barbed razorwire。 A missile slashed from the crater; slamming into a rumbling transport vehicle behind
him and blasting it open with a ringing clang。
Seconds later another missile streaked from the crater; but foolishly; the weapon team had not displaced before firing again and an
answering volley of gunfire ripped the two…man team apart in a hail of bullets。
Keeping low; Honsou ran over to where a rabble of men in crimson overalls squatted behind shattered rockcrete tank traps。 They
fired crude; bolt…action rifles over their tops towards the crater。 Honsou gripped the back of the nearest man's overalls and hauled
him level with his helm。
'You are wasting ammunition; fool! Dig them out with your blades。'
The man nodded frantically; too terrified of Honsou to reply。 Honsou hurled the wretch aside; wiping his gauntlet against his thigh
armour and returned to his squad。
LIEUTENANT COLONEL LEONID lay on the slopes of a cratered ridge; firing his lasgun as the first platoon sprinted back to the next
rally point。 His face was blackened and lined with fear…induced fatigue; but he was still alive and fighting; which was something
given the confused nature of this battle。 Sergeant Ellard lay beside him; pumping shot after shot into the indistinct shadows
running through the smoke。 The terror and threat of being surrounded; cut off and overwhelmed was a physical thing; and Leonid
had to consciously fight to remain calm。
He had to lead by example; and though his chest was a knotted mass of pain; he fought it to set a good one to his men。
'Front rank fire! Rear rank withdraw!' he shouted as Ellard pushed himself to his feet and began chivvying the rear rank back
towards the next rally point。 Volley after volley of las…gun fire hammered through the ranks of the red…coated troopers charging
through the madness of the battle; who were dropping by the dozen。 So far he was holding the retreat together; but it was
balancing on a knife…edge。 The men were stretched to the limits of their courage and they had performed as well as he could ever
have asked。 But they were nearing the end of their reserves and could not hold forever。
It was a race against time as much as anything as to whether they could get back within the cover of the citadel's guns before that
courage was exhausted。
Guardsman Corde crawled over to him; yelling over the crack of gunfire and rumble of tanks and explosions。 The vox slithered
around on his back as he crawled and he carried a hissing plasma gun; steam drifting from the coolant coils on its barrel。
'Sergeant Ellard reports they're at the rally point; sir!'
'Very good; Corde;' said Leonid; slinging his rifle and shouting; 'Front rank; let's get the hell out of here!'
The Jourans did not need to be told twice。 They scrambled back down the slope as covering volleys of lasgun fire from Ellard's
section stabbed into the smoke。 Leonid waited until the last of his men had withdrawn before he and Corde moved to join the rest
of the platoon。
A roar; like that of a Jouran carnosaur; came from the slope behind him and Leonid turned to see a legion of horrifying iron
behemoths lurch over the ridge; slamming down with teeth…loosening force。 The tanks were huge; perverted Leman Russ variants;
their armoured flanks daubed with obscene symbols and their turrets grinding with the squeal of ancient gears。 A wide…barrelled
gun mounted on the nearest tank's forward hull chattered; spewing high velocity shells down the slope and ripping across the
blasted ground。 Leonid grabbed Corde and dropped; bullets sawing through the air above them。
He raised his head and terror flooded him as the tank rumbled forwards; ready to crush him under its bronze tracks。 More bullets
filled the air and the main gun fired with an ear…splitting crack; followed seconds later by a distant explosion。 The track rumbled
towards Leonid and he rolled in the only direction he could。
He rolled beneath the hull of the tank; its roaring metal underside passing a whisper from his head。 Hot gasses and stinking
exhaust fumes belched and he gagged。 Something splashed him and he felt warm wetness cover his face and arms。 He covered his
ears and pressed his face into the dust; flattening his body as much as he could。
'Emperor protect me…' he whispered as the monstrous tank rumbled overhead。 A protruding hook of metal caught on a fold of his
uniform jacket and Leonid grunted in pain as he was dragged along the rough ground beneath the tank for several metres before he
was able to work himself free。
Suddenly he was clear and the tank rumbled onwards; leaving him shaking with fear and relief。 He took a deep breath and crawled
back to Corde; who lay unmoving behind him。
Leonid felt his stomach rise and vomited explosively at the sight of Corde's mangled corpse。 Corde had not been as lucky as he
had; his lower body crushed to an unrecognisable pulp by the tank's mass。 Blood still flooded from his mouth and Leonid dryheaved;
realising what the wetness that had splashed him under the tank had been。
The vox was crashed; but Corde's weapon was still intact and Leonid snatched it from the dead trooper's hands。 A towering rage
filled him at the thought that Corde's murderers probably didn't even know that they had killed someone。 Leonid pushed himself to
his feet and staggered drankenly after the iron monster。
The thing wasn't hard to find; it was rumbling slowly after 

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