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Storm Of Iron(科幻战争)-第24章

小说: Storm Of Iron(科幻战争) 字数: 每页4000字

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Yet more Titans of the Legio Ignatum joined their Warlords。 Five Reaver Titans; smaller cousins to their leader's war machine;
took up rear positions and four Warhound Scout Titans loped alongside the Battle Titans。 The Warhounds split into pairs; each
taking position on the flanks of the larger machines。 The Titans waited in the shadow of the counterguard wall as the armoured
units of the Jouran Dragoons rumbled from the citadel and swarmed around the massive feet of the Battle Titans。
From his elevated position in the head of the Imperator Bellum; Princeps Fierach watched the mustering of the tanks and infantry
carriers with mixed emotions。 He was glad of their support; but knew that; with enemy Titans in the field; they could be unreliable
allies。 Fierach knew how easy it could be to break the courage of an enemy with the unstoppable power of a Titan。 Like many
princeps who had commanded a Titan for a considerable time; Fierach had a scornful disregard for those not able to take to the
field of battle as he did。 To have such destructive power at his fingertips bred arrogance and a withering contempt for the
insignificant weapons and machines employed by those armed forces without the heritage of the Titan Legions。
Fierach sat within the head of the Imperator Bellum; wired into its every system via the ancient technologies of a mind impulse
unit。 Only by becoming part of the god…machine's consciousness was it possible to take command of these awesome machines; to
feel each motion of its limbs and surge of power along its fibre bundle muscles as though they were his own。
To have such power to command was an intoxicating sensation and; when not joined with the god…machine; Fierach felt weak;
shackled to the limitations of his mortal body。
Fierach shifted in his seat and meshed his senses with those of the Titan; allowing the barrage of information the sensorium of the
Imperator Bellum was receiving to wash over him。 He closed his eyes; feeling the sudden vertigo as his mind's eye shifted into a
top…down view; depicting the battlefield as a series of bright contours and pulsing blips。 Icons representing his own forces and
those of the Jourans continued to mass in the ditch before the counterscarp that protected the base of the walls and bastions。
Concealed tunnels sloped upwards through the ground; emerging on the plains before the citadel; allowing the armoured units of
the Guard to rapidly deploy and support the Titans。 Five hundred vehicles; a mix of battle tanks and armoured fighting vehicles;
formed up in lines along the length of the ditch; smoke belching in blue clouds from their throbbing exhausts。
Fierach was unhappy with this attack and had voiced his concerns to Castellan Vauban in the strongest terms; but he was a senior
princeps of the Legio Ignatum and pledges of servitude had been sworn many millennia ago between the Legio and the
commanders of this citadel; and Fierach would not be known as an oath breaker。
It reeked of desperation to Fierach to gamble so much on the word of a poor soldier; but if this Hawke was correct; then they had
an opportunity to take the fight to the enemy before they were able to properly deploy their Battle Titans。 Despite his reservations;
Fierach was elated at the prospect of taking his warriors into battle。 While their duty to protect this citadel was sacrosanct; it was
not the most satisfying of postings for a warrior who had forged his reputation on countless battlefields throughout the galaxy。 The
honour and kill banners hanging from the Imperator Bellum were the latest in a long line。 Many that had previously been carried
into battle were now hanging in the Chapel of Victory on the Legion's homeworld of Mars; their roll of honour scarcely able to
contain the sheer number of battles won and enemies slain。
Fierach removed his senses from the tactical plot; grunting in satisfaction as Moderati Yousen reported; 'Lieutenant Colonel
Leonid reports that Force Anvil is in position and ready to move out on your order。'
Fierach acknowledged the information with a raised finger; impressed at the efficiency of Leonid。 He had always liked Vauban's
second…in…command more than the castellan himself; feeling that Leonid was far more a natural warrior than Vauban。
'Very good; Moderati。 Open a channel to all Titans。'
Yousen's finger danced across the panel before him。 He nodded towards his princeps。
Graham McNeill ?Storm of Iron?
'All princeps; this is Fierach。 You all know what to do; so carry out your orders。 I wish you joy of the day and good hunting。 May
the Emperor guide your aim。'
He closed the channel without waiting for a response and trained his eyes on the red expanse of plain that stretched before his
Titan; noting the distant plumes of smoke that marked the locations of the enemy camp。
Fierach whispered a mantra of salute to the spirit of the Imperator Bellum and said; 'Engineer Ulandro; give me striding speed。 We
go to battle。'
PRINCEPS CARLSEN RELISHED the sense of speed that coursed through his body as his Warhound Titan; the Defensor Fidei;
sprinted ahead of the Legio's Battle Titans。 Less than half the size of a Reaver Titan; the Warhound was an agile Scout Titan; the
forward eyes and ears of the Legio。 Less well armed and protected; it was no match for larger Titans; but could tear apart infantry
formations with a combination of its deadly assault weaponry and speed。
His wingman; the Jure Divinu; thundered alongside him; keeping pace with his evasive manoeuvres to throw off any incoming
fire that might be directed at them。 There was none at the moment; but it never paid to be too complacent when your void shields
could be taken out with one good volley。
Carlsen turned to Moderati Arkian and said; 'Anything?'
Arkian shook his head。 'No; not yet。 But it won't be long now。'
Carlsen nodded and returned his attention to the ground before him。 A spur of rock from the valley sides some five hundred
metres away offered some protection should it prove necessary to take shelter from incoming fire。 The enemy line was a kilometre
away and he knew their speed would protect them from all but a desperately lucky shot。
Behind him; advancing abreast; came a portion of the armoured might of the 383rd Jouran Dragoons; and unlike the princeps of
the larger Titans; Carlsen had a healthy respect for infantry and armoured vehicles。 Friendly support was vital for a Titan of his
size。 Enemy infantry and vehicles could pose a serious threat to a Warhound。
'Have they even seen us yet?' he wondered aloud。
'Maybe we caught them at meal time;' offered Moderati Arkian with a grin。
'That would be handy indeed; but I think we've just disturbed them;' replied Carlsen as he spotted tongues of flame belch skyward
from artillery behind the monstrous earthworks thrown up before the enemy camp。
He jinked the Defensor Fidei sideways; keeping close to the valley walls。
LIEUTENANT COLONEL LEONID rode in the top of his command Chimera; the wind whipping past his face。 His goggles and
bandana kept the worst of the dust from his mouth and eyes; and; riding at the head of his tanks; he had a magnificent view of the
battlefield。 His bronze breastplate shone gold in the red afternoon sun and as he rode to battle he was filled with a fierce pride in
his regiment。
Like Fierach; he too had reservations about this attack; but seeing so many tanks roaring forward at speed with the ground shaking
to the tread of the Legio Ignatum; he was swept up in the glory of this charge。 Ahead he could see the traitor lines; their dark
fortifications raised high in an impossibly short time。 Whoever was organising this operation must be working his men to death。
Leonid watched the two Warhounds tasked to his storming force race ahead; their speed incongruous for such large machines。
Slower moving Reavers strode alongside his formation while the majority of the Legio advanced on the salient angle of the
attackers' trench line … the point where it bent towards the south…west and could bring the least amount of fire to bear。 The Titans
were to smash through the salient with the guns on Tor Christo covering their exposed right flank with the tanks and men of the
Jouran Dragoons cover

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