Storm Of Iron(科幻战争)-第18章
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'Loader alpha ready!' came the shout from below。
'Up!' answered the breechman。
Chu smiled。 Their first shell hadn't even impacted yet and they were ready to fire again。 He and his crew had trained hard for just
this kind of fight and now that training was paying off。
He centred the aiming reticle on a smoking track with scores of men milling in confusion around it and pressed the firing stud
EVEN OVER THE screaming and confusion; Larana Utorian could hear the shriek of the incoming shell and recognised it for what it
was。 She hurled herself flat; screaming as her arms jarred on the hard earth。 The ground whipped upwards; tossing her through the
air as the first Basilisk shell impacted; blasting a crater fifteen metres across and obliterating a dozen men in an instant。 Shrieks
sounded as further shells struck the ground with thunderous hammer blows。 Huge chunks of rock and dust were blasted skyward
as the first volley hit。 Larana slammed back to the ground; the impact driving the breath from her lungs。 She rolled over; across
Graham McNeill ?Storm of Iron?
the lip of a crater; and flopped to its smoking base。
Scraps of flesh and bone spattered the interior surface of the crater; the stench of scorched human meat and burning propellant
filling her nostrils。 Another prisoner sheltered in the crater。 His mouth was open; stretched wide as he screamed in terror; but
Larana could not hear him; her skull filled with an all…encompassing ringing。
She felt wetness seep from her ears。
The man sheltering in the crater stumbled over to her; his mouth working soundlessly up and down; but Larana ignored him;
crawling to the lip of the crater; clutching her lasgun like some kind of protective talisman。 The man was insistent though and
clawed at her uniform。 Larana pushed him away; shouting something incoherent over the whoosh of displaced air as another
volley of shells screamed in。 The man rolled into a foetal ball; rocking back and forth in terror。
Larana buried her head in the ground as she felt the awful vibrations of the shell impacts hammer the ground。 With her good arm
she clutched the soil。 Dust filled her mouth and the Shockwaves from the explosions threatened to pulp her bones to jelly。
She knew she couldn't stay here。 She had to get back。 But which direction to go? One place was as likely to take a hit as another
and the smoke and disorientation had made a mockery of her sense of direction。
She scrambled to the weeping man at the crater's base; and dragged him by the collar towards the rear edge of the crater。
'Come on! We have to get back!' she yelled。
The man shook his head; fighting Larana's grip with the strength of a madman and pulling free of her grasp。
'You'll die if you stay here!' she shouted。 The man shook his head and Larana was unsure whether he'd even heard her or she'd
made any kind of sense。 She'd tried her best; but if the idiot didn't want to move; there was nothing she could do to make him。 She
dropped flat as another thunderous detonation rocked the ground; the impact throwing her from the crater。
She landed on something soft and yielding; and rolled clear with a terrified cry as she saw that she was lying on shredded flesh
and mangled limbs。 Shapes ran through the smoke; but where they were going or who they were; she couldn't tell。 She could see
nothing more than a few metres away; the drifting smoke and dust rendering everything beyond invisible。
A smoking wreck lay on its side; belching black clouds just at the edge of her vision and she began crawling towards it over tornopen
corpses and crying men with no legs or arms。 One man was on his knees; vainly trying to gather up his looped entrails and
push them back into his raptured belly。 Another stuffed his severed arm into his jacket; beside a man vomiting thick ropes of red
gore。 Each few paces brought fresh horrors and Larana wept as the ground continued to shake as though in the grip of the most
violent of earthquakes。
She reached the blazing track; weeping and laughing hysterically at this small victory。 A blackened corpse lay under the shattered
cab of the vehicle; severed through the torso by the track's fall。 Larana could see the corpse wore the crimson overalls of their
captors and felt a burning hatred light in her belly。 She snarled in fear and anger; pounding her rifle butt against the corpse's skull;
smashing it to destruction; fresh sobs bursting from her lips with every blow。 She threw aside the bloody weapon and took what
shelter she could from the burning truck。 Tyre tracks from the vehicle led back through the smoke towards the place where …
presumably … this insane venture had begun。 Taking a deep breath she waited until another barrage of shells landed。
Knowing that there was no way she could survive; but unwilling to give up; Larana Utorian set off to find a way out of this hell。
ACRID PROPELLANT FILLED Kane bastion; but Dervlan Chu was exultant despite the sting in his eyes and the ringing in his ears。
The attack had been stopped in its tracks before it had covered even half the distance to the Christo。 They had comprehensively
bracketed the enemy force within their fire zones and put their entire load on target。 He knew for a fact that his crew had laid more
shells on target and in a faster time than Jephen; and looked forward to receiving his bottle of amasec in the mess hall tonight。
Night was drawing in and drifting smoke obscured much of the shattered battle line of what had once been hundreds of vehicles。
Major Tedeski had called a halt to the barrage until the smoke cleared; unwilling to waste ordnance on a foe that was already
He sat back on the railings of the gun platform and pulled out a silver case of cheroots; lighting one and tossing the case down to
his loader and breechman。
'Well done; men; I think we managed to put a sizeable dent in the foe this time。'
His crew smiled; teeth gleaming in their soot…stained faces as he said; 'When I get that bottle of amasec from Jephen; I'll be sure to
share it with you。'
He took a satisfied draw on his cheroot; and took another look through the gunsight of the Basilisk。 The smoke was clearing and
his professional eye was pleased with the utter destruction he saw。 Hundreds of burning wrecks littered the ground; flames licking
skyward as they and their traitorous passengers burned。 Their fire zones were cratered wastelands; the ground churned
unrecognisably by the sheer power and fury of the barrage。
As he swivelled the gunsight around; he saw that the guns mounted in Mars bastion had been equally thorough。 The guns of the
Dragon bastion covered the southern approaches to the Christo; and Chu could well imagine the frustration of its commander that
the gunners in the Kane and Mars bastions had got the glory of the first kills。
Chu returned the gunsight to his own fire zone。 The wind was beginning to clear the smoke more rapidly and he could make out
shapes moving in the dusk。 Chu was surprised there was anything left alive down there。 He switched up a level of magnification
as the smoke cleared still further and saw more vehicles through the haze: the armoured personnel carriers that he had briefly
glimpsed just prior to the commencement of the barrage。
He pressed the range finder button on the armament panel and cursed as he realised the APCs and the warriors standing before
them were some hundred metres beyond the maximum range of his gun。 A handful of stumbling shapes crawled or walked
towards the warriors。 As he increased the magnification another level; Chu was suddenly sick to the pit of his stomach as he saw
the stained uniforms their targets were wearing。
Dust covered and bloodstained; but unmistakably the sky blue of the 383rd Jouran Dragoons。 Horrified; he spun the gunsight back
to the cratered desolation his gun had helped to create; moaning as he saw more and more familiar uniforms scattered across the
Graham McNeill ?Storm of Iron?
ground; lifeless and broken。
Chu felt his gorge rise as he realised what they had just done。 The thought of winning a bottle of amasec from this slaughter made
him want to weep。
HONSOU WAS PLEASED。 He had watched the barrage from the hilltop fort with calm detachm