Storm Of Iron(科幻战争)-第13章
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Princeps Fierach of the Legio Ignatum to agree to my proposals; I intend to use his Titans and our armoured companies to take the
fight to the enemy when a suitable opportunity arises and allow them neither time nor peace to complete their works。 The longer
we can delay the enemy's advance and keep him from reaching the walls of the citadel; the more time we give reinforcements to
Leonid leaned forwards; resting his elbows on the table and said; 'How soon before we can reasonably expect reinforcements to
'I can answer that;' replied Magos Naicin。 'With your permission; Castellan Vauban?'
Vauban nodded his assent and the magos continued。
'Before the capture of Jericho Falls; the Adeptus Magos stationed there was able to despatch a coded communique with the highest
priority prefix。 This will be received by all nearby Adeptus Mechanicus outposts very soon。 The security prefix I detected on the
message should engender the swiftest response。'
'And how soon will that be?' pressed Leonid。
'It is impossible to say with any degree of certainty。 Travel over such distances is fraught with all manner of variables and there
are many factors that could adversely affect the arrival of our reinforcements。'
'Your best guess then。'
Naicin shrugged and sighed; the sound like a burst of static from his vox…amp。
'Perhaps seventy days; no more than one hundred。'
Leonid nodded; though he was clearly unhappy with the answer he'd received。
'Have we despatched another message from the Star Chamber here? In case the first message does not get through。'
Magos Naicin shuffled uncomfortably; glancing over at the holographic form of his master before continuing。 'Unfortunately we
have been having some problems with encoding messages for transit recently and the Star Chamber is… currently unavailable to
us at this time。'
Regaining his composure; Naicin said; 'Do not let this concern you; major。 It may be that our foes can defeat us by sheer weight of
numbers; but that will take them time。 Time they do not have if we have reinforcements on the way。 They will be reckless with the
knowledge that time presses upon them; making them careless。 This works to our advantage。'
Naicin sat back as Vauban returned to his seat。
'Alright; gentlemen; are we clear on what we're all doing? We're going to have to be sharp and quick。 And we can't afford any
mistakes; so keep your rifle close and your sword sharp。 Any questions?'
There were none; and Vauban continued。 'Make no mistake; the threat we face here is very real。 The coming conflict will demand
the best of you and your men。 The price of victory will be high; damnably high; and it is a sacrifice we must all be willing to
make。 Now let's go。 We have a battle to fight。'
Graham McNeill ?Storm of Iron?
BLOODY; BROKEN AND dejected; the column of men and women shuffled up the road that led from Jericho Falls spaceport to the
plateau above。 Their heads were cast down: many were grievously wounded and would soon be dead without medical attention。
The Iron Warriors that herded them to their deaths cared not for the condition of their charges。 That they could walk was enough。
The column was a mix of thousands of emaciated and malnourished slaves; brought to Hydra Cordatus to work and die; and
prisoners taken captive during the attack on the spaceport; spared from death only because it suited the purposes of the Warsmith。
Kroeger marched alongside the wretched column; feeling his contempt for these pathetic so…called humans as a disgusted knot in
his belly。 How could these snivelling excuses for a species ever hope to rule the galaxy? They were weak and followed the
teachings of a rotted corpse on a planet few of them even knew the name of and none would ever have set foot upon。
It galled him to have to use these beasts as fodder; but what choice did they have? The Warsmith had decreed that they be the first
into battle and the honour he did them in this manner stuck in Kroeger's throat。
Kroeger felt his rage building and swallowed hard; fighting it down。 He was slipping more and more into the frenzied lusts of the
Blood God and knew that he must restrain himself。
To satiate his sudden anger he lashed out with his fist; smashing a nearby prisoner's ribs to splinters。 The man dropped to the
ground; wheezing and wide…eyed in agony。 A few nearby captives stooped to help the dying man; but a warning growl from
Kroeger soon dissuaded them。 The prisoner was unceremoniously kicked aside; and rolled out of the path of the thousands who
'You march to your deaths and know not the honour you are being accorded!' shouted Kroeger as the top of the ridge came into
sight。 He swung his arms wide; walking backwards up the hillside; lifting his voice so that more could hear him。
'I make you a solemn promise: if any of you survive the task that you have been given; you shall live。 You have my word as an
Iron Warrior。'
Kroeger turned his back on the column with a hollow laugh before a woman's voice called out; 'And what is that worth; traitor?'
A frozen moment stretched for long seconds as Kroeger drew his chainsword and marched back to the column of people; his face
twisted in fury。
'Who dares address me?' he bellowed。 'Which of you weakling scum thinks to question me?'
Terrified men and women desperately pushed themselves from Kroeger's rampage as he swung his sword about him like a
butcher; hacking limbs and heads from bodies in his rage。
Kroeger's chainsword rose and fell a dozen times more before the same voice; stronger now; spoke again。
'I do; traitor。 Lieutenant Larana Utorian; 383rd Jouran Dragoons。 I question what the word of a heretic such as you is worth。'
Kroeger felt the red mist descend upon him; his vision narrowing to a point where all he could see was the woman who had dared
speak to him; the pulsing artery in her neck; the arc his sword would take before it hacked her head from her shoulders。 But he
held the rage in check and forced himself to lower the chainsword。 He towered over the prisoner; a lean; insolent…faced woman in
a tattered sky blue uniform of the Imperial Guard。 The woman was bloody; her arm held in a crude sling; but she stared at him
with a fierce hatred。
A strange; unnatural sense of familiarity struck him; though he could not say why。 Strangely; Kroeger felt his rage dissipate。 What
could she hope to achieve by this show of defiance but a swift death? Kroeger leaned down to meet Larana Utorian's gaze;
gripping the woman's wounded arm in his gauntlet and squeezing。
Her face contorted in agony; but Kroeger kept pressing until he felt the splintered ends of bone grinding beneath the skin。
'What is your word worth?' repeated Larana Utorian through gritted teeth。
'Not much;' admitted Kroeger; twisting his grip and drawing a fresh cry of pain from Utorian; 'but you are possessed of a modicum
of courage; prisoner; and you shall bear the fruits of that courage。'
Laughing; Kroeger released the woman's arm and said; 'This one shall be in the first wave。'
THE FIRST THOUGHT that penetrated the fog of Guardsman Hawke's semiconsciousness was that he had taken it too far this time;
that he had drank something that had finally got the better of him。 In all his notorious drinking sessions; he'd never felt such all
over pain before; as though his body was one enormous bruise being pounded on by an angry carnosaur。
Darkness and dust surrounded him and he coughed as his lungs heaved; wondering what the hell was going on。 He slowly opened
his eyes; taking a moment to focus on the view before him。 The rockcrete of what looked like the floor of the listening post was
right in front of his face; but he could see nothing beyond that。 Orange light and swirls of dust ghosted before him。
He tried to shift his position and hot pain stabbed in his left shoulder; drawing a colourful oath and a sticky wetness that ran down
his arm。
Hawke turned his head slowly; trying to make sense out of the scorched; acrid…smelling place he was lying in。 A blackened;
lumpen mass lay against one wall; though he could not make out its nature in the gloom。 Hawke's ears rang and every sound his
movements made seemed tinny and far aw