Steal The Sun(战争间谍)-第65章
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empty hands。
“You could trade the uranium for a hospital bed or safe…passage home。”
Finn accepted it。 He had expected no less。
“What do you think you can do with the uranium? Japan doesn’t have the ability to turn it into a
For a long moment Kestrel said nothing。 Then; “The uranium will be returned to America when
Japan is offered something less degrading than unconditional surrender。”
“That won’t happen。”
Kestrel became very still; his expression as opaque as his eyes。
“I’m not taunting you;” said Finn; switching to Japanese。 “I’m merely weighing time against the
fall of cherry blossoms。 The world has moved much faster since you saw two dawns rise over
Jornada del Muerto。 The bomb may be more merciful than any other choice your nation has。”
Wind hissed through the silence。
“Listen to me。” Finn spoke in English now; his words as plain as the rings of water next to
Kestrel’s bed。 “If the uranium is not in my possession before dawn; America will be committed
to invading Japan。”
Finn paused; but Kestrel neither moved nor spoke。
“Japan will fight to the last child; hoping to drive the cost of unconditional surrender so high
that America will accept a lesser peace; one with room for Japanese pride。 But that won’t
happen。” He paused momentarily; remembering Okinawa; green jungle and sea and dying
children。 “Russia will conquer China on the way to declaring war on Japan。 When Japan is
crushed – and that is inevitable – Russia will demand part or all of Japan in payment。 At best;
Japan will be like Germany; divided。 At worst; Japan will belong to Russia; a subject race with
neither pride nor future。”
Finn waited。 Kestrel still did not speak。 Wind keened; filling the silence。
“Do you believe Russia is your ally?” asked Finn。 “Do you know that Russia has refused to
approach America to sue for peace on Japan’s behalf? Russia doesn’t want the war to end yet。
Russia wants America to invade Japan。 If the war continues long enough; Russia will rule the
“But I’ve seen what the atomic bomb can do!” said Kestrel。 He leaned forward; and his voice
was resonant with suppressed emotion。 “Japan will be bombed into unconditional surrender。
How is that different from being subjugated by the Russians?”
“If there is an invasion; Japan will surrender to a conquering army。 If there is an atomic bomb;
Japan will surrender to the sun – there can be no loss of face in that。”
It was the same thing Kestrel had told his superiors in Japan; but it was a bitter thing to hear on
an enemy’s lips。 No man can fight the sun。
“America would occupy Japan;” said Kestrel; feeling anger fight with fever for control of his
“But America won’t insist on destroying Japan。 Even now; we’re rebuilding our former enemies
in Europe。 What is Russia doing?”
“Perhaps Russia is wiser。 What she exterminates now; she won’t have to face in the future。”
Finn smiled narrowly。 “I agree。 But which country would you rather see defeat Japan? That’s all
that is left to you; Kestrel – a choice of conquerors。”
“Japan signed a Neutrality Pact with the Russians。”
Finn’s laughter was hard; humorless。 “You’re not stupid or naive。 Don’t pretend to be。” Finn
looked at his watch。 “You have three minutes to choose your conqueror。”
“You don’t know what you ask! Have you seen what that bomb can do?”
“I’ve seen Japanese mothers murder their own children rather than surrender。 Is the atomic
bomb worse than that?”
Kestrel closed his eyes; fighting to control himself。 How could he; one man; choose his country’s
future? What Finn asked of him was impossible。 His anger drained into an anguish worse than
any pain he had known before。 Yet when he spoke; his voice was calm。
“If I choose Russia as Japan’s conqueror; I suppose you’ll torture me to find out where the
uranium is。” Kestrel contempt was plain in his smile。
“I don’t have time to break you;” said Finn in a matter…of…fact tone。 “I’ll have to kill you。”
“But then you would lose the uranium forever。”
“So would Russia。”
For the first time; Kestrel looked surprised。 “Russia?”
“You should have killed Masarek’s woman。 She’s here; in Manzanar。 And; unlike Japan; Russia
can take that uranium and turn it into a bomb。” Finn’s smile was grim。 “You’re not the only one
making choices tonight。”
“A choice of evils;” Kestrel hesitated。 Pain seeped into his voice。 “That’s not much choice at
“It’s the only kind men get。” Finn glanced at his watch。 “Two minutes。”
Takeo’s Apartment; Manzanar
42 Hours 47 Minutes After Trinity
Ana hesitated in front of the barracks door; torn between the cold wind and her father’s anger。
She pulled open the door。
Vanessa lunged; grabbing Ana’s hair。 The silenced gun was like a cold finger laid along Ana’s
neck; seeking a target in the room beyond。 Her eyes moved quickly; seeing everything。
At the first sound; Finn had thrown himself aside and reached for his gun。 He never heard the
bullet that hit him。 A searing; paralyzing pain went through his left shoulder。 From the corner of
his eye he saw the gun turn on him。 He felt the sinking agony not of fear; but of helplessness。 He
gathered himself for a futile lunge。
“Run; Ana!” yelled Kestrel in Japanese as he heaved the water pitcher across the barracks;
ruining Vanessa’s aim。
But Ana could not escape Vanessa’s grip。 The Russian’s gun centered on Kestrel rather than on
Finn。 “Don’t move!” she commanded。
Ana stared at Finn; then at Kestrel。 “I’m sorry。 I didn’t know she was behind me。”
“Speak only Japanese to me。 That way at least one of our enemies will not understand。”
“What’s he saying?” demanded Vanessa harshly。 “Tell him to shut up!”
Finn’s eyes flicked from Kestrel to Vanessa as his hand moved by increments toward the gun in
the small of his back。 Vanessa’s blue eyes shifted。 The gun muzzle twitched toward him。
“No one leaves Manzanar unless I personally give the OK;” said Finn calmly。
The gun muzzled hesitated。
“There are patrols out on the camp’s perimeter; and the highway is blocked in both directions;”
he added。 “Without me; you’re dead。”
The satisfaction he took from his words was clear in his voice。 He was not bluffing; and Vanessa
knew it。 Her expression became as smooth as a graveyard angel’s。 She looked away from Finn;
toward Kestrel。
“Ask him where he hid the uranium;” Vanessa said coldly to Ana。 When Ana did not speak
immediately; Vanessa’s fingers dug deeply into Ana’s hair and twisted。 “Ask him!”
“What are we going to do?” said Ana in Japanese。
“Say nothing;” answered Kestrel。
“Well?” demanded Vanessa。
“He won’t tell me;” gasped Ana; her face distorted by pain。
“I’ll kill you unless he talks;” said Vanessa。 “But once I have the uranium; you’re both free。 And
I’ll make sure no one follows you。”
Ana pretended to translate; her voice thin with fear。
Kestrel waited until Ana was silent。 His face was expressionless。
“She’ll kill us as soon as she has the uranium。” The flatness of his voice needed no translation。
“Tell him;” said Vanessa; “that I’ve changed my mind。 I’ll kill him first; then you。”
Kestrel listened to Ana’s pleas and shook his head。 “No; Ana。 Not for my life。 Not for yours。”
Then fear raced in his blood as he realized that his vulnerability lay in Ana; not in himself。
Vanessa read Kestrel’s answer in Ana’s tears。 With a final; cruel twist; she forced Ana to her
knees。 She laid the gun muzzle along Ana’s temple and took aim at Kestrel。
“No!” screamed Ana。 “I know where it is! Don’t shoot him!”
“Ana!” shouted Kestrel; “No!”
“Where is it?” Vanessa whispered。
“In the desert;” Ana cried out。 “We buried it in the desert。” She did not look at Kestrel。 “I’ll
take you there。 Don’t shoot him! I’ll take you!”
Slowly; Vanessa lifted the gun。 “Tell him to get up;” she said。 “He’s coming with us。”
“He’s sick;” said Ana。 “He can’t – “
Vanessa’s open…handed slap silenced her。 “Tell him!” Vanessa gave Finn a cold glance。 “You
too。 Get up。”
Finn stood; testing the extent of his injury。 Beneath the pain; bone and muscles were intact。 Th